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Peter Schimmel: 'De totstandkoming van de VOC leest als één groot crimineel boek

General Counsel NL Magazine N. 1 december 


In 2010 ging de forensische accountancy afdeling van accountants- en adviesorganisatie Grant Thornton van start. Peter Schimmel (partner) en Dick Alblas (director) waren betrokken bij de oprichting hiervan en vormen nu samen met acht andere specialisten het team. De afdeling richt zich op waarheidsvinding ten beovoeve van geschilbeslechting, waarbij veel van die geschillen hun  oorzaak vinden in vermeende fraude. Schimmel: '1 op de 1000 mensen in Nederland pleegt elk jaar een zodanige integriteitsinbreuk dat ontslag op staande voet volgt. Je hebt het dan dus over grote incidenten. Per onderneming verdwijnt er gemiddeld een paar miljoen per jaar als gevolg van interne en externe integriteitsinbreuken.' 


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Mortgage advisor De Hypotheker in the heart of Zuidas

Hello Zuidas Magazine #10 november/ december (Advertorial)


De Hypotheker’s Zuid/Buitenveldert branch has moved to the 14th floor of the WTC in Zuidas. It is the first time the mortgage advisor has exchanged a shop location for an office in the financial district. ‘Contacts via internet or phone are becoming the norm and we no longer need the visibility of a shop front,’ says franchise holder Thomas van Splunteren. ‘Zuidas is easily accessible and this makes it an excellent location. Everyone knows the WTC.’


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As the ICT service provider in Zuidas we feel it's our duty to improve mobile coverage in Zuidas

Hello Zuidas Magazine #10 november/ december (Advertorial)


Sixteen years ago, NDI ICT Solutions was just two people. Since then the business has gone from strength to strength. It now has four offices and employs some sixtystaff. Chris van Hattum runs the company and Hello Zuidas talks to him about his chosen mission. With the help of KPN and some property owners, NDI is about to embark on an extensive search for a solution to the mobile reception problems in Zuidas. Van Hattum: ‘Initially NDI merely focused on IT, but we have been gradually increasing our services to include internet services, landlines, the cloud. And now, as a result of the merger with Partners in Telecom at the beginning of this year,our package includes mobile phone services as well.’


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Oliver's: a little different

Hellos Zuidas Magazine #10 november/ december


Now that the annual Oktoberfest is behind them, Harpert Koopman and Martin Vlam of restaurant Oliver’s are gearing up for a busy run to the end of the year. Regulars drop by for their favourite club sandwich,caesar salad or the famous hamburgers. ‘Our guests keep on coming back for the food, which is great,’says manager Harpert.


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New in Zuidas: Restaurant Nine

Hello Zuidas Magazine #10 november/ december


Restaurant Nine opened its doors to customers on August 5. Owners Ghalem Reggani and Alex Heikamp always wanted to open their own business and the time seemed right. ‘Crisis or no crisis, all the ingredients were there and then you just have to go for it,’ says Heikamp. ‘And we did not start from scratch,’ Reggani adds. ‘The studio and the meeting rooms were already there.’


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Personal Training Zuid: 'We zorgen ervoor dat iemand er echt uithaalt wat er in zit'

Z.O.Z. Magazine Nr. 50 December 2013


In juni vorig jaar begon Reinder Postma samen met Rob van der Velden, Personal Training Zuid. Beide zijn sportliefhebbers pur sang. Reinder: “Van voetbal tot kickboksen tot racefietsen, we hebben het allemaal gedaan.” Vanuit deze passie en het geloof in een gezonde levensstijl waarbij sport een belangrijke plaats inneemt kozen ze voor het personal trainerschap.


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